Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11, 2012

View of the day-This is Al's office at H&R Block, his off season job. They have been setting aside his work for him.

We had a road trip on the agenda today, but we didn't have to get up too early...the appointment wasn't until 11am.  Too bad somebody didn't let those fat tap dancing magpies that fell in love with the camper roof at 6am about it.  They hopped from one end of the camper to the other over and over again...for what seemed like hours...there would be no sleeping in today.

We got to Yorkton and dropped the Dodge off at KM Auto Care so he could put in the new air conditioning compressor.  It was going to take at least 3-4 hours, so the gave us a courtesy vehicle and we went about our business for the afternoon.

The first stop was to have lunch with Marilyn's theatre cohorts Brenda and Pam at the Chinese Buffet.  We sat and caught up for an hour or so, then while the girls went back to work, we did a couple of errands, then went visiting.

We stopped in at H&R and had a great visit with Curtis, Erv and Sarah.  That's where Al got a look at his office...actually they are using it to get some papers sorted...and to give Al a jolt.  It worked.

We went over to Minute Muffler to visit with Mike, one of Al's farm toy pals.  Al didn't have any to drop off for him...just yet...but they were wheeling and dealing, just the same.

Marilyn stopped in at Staples to have a visit while Al was getting fuel for the tractor in the slip tank. They are waiting for her return, but she is not ready to leave the combine just yet.

We picked up the Dodge, got a few pointers on how to dismantle the radiators so we could clean in between them.  They were pretty plugged up and even though we had tried to keep them clean with screens on the front for bugs and special skinny air wands with holes in the side, it was almost impossible to do a good job...or get to all the spots where dust and fluff were collecting. We have our papers now, so hopefully we won't have the same problem in the future.

We got back to Abernethy and took a drive out to one of the fields that Bob thought might be ready...or close enough to ready.  We will move the combine over in the morning and do a test.

And hopefully get rolling again...

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